Accessibilité ERP Clous podotactiles - 121.333333 - clous BTB
Accessibilité ERP Clous podotactiles - 121.333333 - clous BTB
Accessibilité ERP Clous podotactiles - 121.333333 - clous BTB

Podotactile nails

Non-slip Interior

Interior podotactile nails - Intense traffic

These podotactile n ails are designed to meet the requirements of the 2005 accessibility law for visually impaired people. They form an alerting strip on both sides of pedestrian zones. Positioned as required by law, the nails have a 7.5 cm center-to-center spacing (suitable for wheelchairs and will not unbalance crutches).

Available in packets, in different materials and with different drilling templates.

Prix $ 125.00 excl. tax
$ 125.00 excl. tax
$ 309.00 excl. tax

  • Special for the visually impaired or those with reduced mobility
  • Suitable for use in establishments open to the public (ERP)
  • Highly durable thanks to chemical seal fixing
  • Choice of materials


Suitable for installation near stairs, on public transport platforms, crosswalks, etc.

Chemically sealed after drilling. Staggered nail layout in accordance with standard. Use of a drilling template is highly recommended.

Fast delivery (within 5 working days)*.
*Delivery times are ex works.
They are indicative and subject to product availability at our factories.

clous BTB

Data sheet

Location Interior
Intensity of passage Intense
Properties Non-slip
ERP category 1 (+ 1500 passages)
2 (701 to 1500 passages)
3 ( 301 to 701 passages)
4 ( -300 passages)
5 ( - 100 passages)
Environment Dry environments
Intensity of use Very intense