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Public buildings: which professional entrance mat to choose?

Wet, slippery or covered with dirt... To welcome your visitors in pleasant and safe conditions, we recommend the installation of a professional entrance mat. Designed to withstand heavy traffic at the entrances to public buildings, these long-lasting mats are made from tough, durable materials. Which mat should you choose? Our advice.

Professional entrance mats for every need

Professional entrance mats come in a wide range of properties, thicknesses and materials. To help you make your choice, here are the advantages of each product:

- To remove dirt

The entrance to a public building is the place that leaves the first impression on visitors. To ensure the cleanliness of your premises and project a well-groomed image, an anti-dirt entrance mat is an ideal solution. In fact, according to ISSA (the International Sanitary Supply Association), between 70% and 80% of dust and dirt in public entrances come from outside and spread to the floor. An entrance mat helps keep dirt off shoes to a minimum, and extends the life of your mats and rugs, especially in high-traffic public buildings.

- To prevent the risk of slipping

During inclement weather, floors become damp and wet, increasing the risk of slipping. To prevent falls and ensure visitor safety, the installation of an anti-slip mat is essential. This type of product is specially designed with a scraping effect to prevent dirt, debris and shoe moisture from penetrating the premises. What's more, it keeps surfaces dry and clean thanks to a draining system that evacuates liquids. Extremely resistant, it is perfectly suited to public buildings with heavy traffic.

- To reinforce your brand image

Beyond its practicality, a professional entrance mat also offers an aesthetic advantage. To combine decoration and cleanliness, you can install a matthat can be personalized with an image, text (slogan, welcome or prevention message, etc.) or your company logo. A real marketing asset, as most visitors will look at the floor before entering your premises.

- To resist the spread of fire

In a public building, the entrance is also the main exit. In the event of fire, this is where it's used. That'swhy it's a good idea to install a fire-resistant aluminum mat entrancesystem , designed to resist the heat and spread of fire. NEOSOL matting is classified Bfl-S1, i.e. with very limited combustibility and low smoke propagation speed. It thus complies with European standards.

See also: Fire classification, UPEC and ISO 10874 standards

How to choose a professional entrance mat?

Every public building has its own characteristics. Before buying a professional entrance mat, you need to know..:

  • The mat's location: will it be exposed to severe weather conditions? Is it close to sources of dirt such as soil or gravel?

  • Traffic levels: will it have to withstand a lot of foot traffic?

  • Hygiene regulations: is your establishment subject to strict health and safety regulations? For your information, ERP (establishments open to the public) are subject to different standards.

To find out more: ERP classification: definition, measurements and categories of ERP.


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